Plot No 69, Pretap Ganj, Gurunanak Market, Fazal Ganj, Kanpur - 208012 | | 9389997480 | 18001029894


home / TermiGuard


Termites are the most damaging structural pests in India. Commonly known as white ants, they destroy large amounts of wood and all other materials that contain cellulose. Although some structures are more prone to termite attacks, every house is susceptible to a potential termite infestation. While many house owners worry about fire or flooding, termite damage is a much more common problem.

Even if your home is build mainly of brick or stone, there is a risk of termite attacks on structural support and other building elements that are constructed of wood or other cellulose containing materials. Termites are very secretive insects. Hence, it comes as no surprise that termite activities are usually recognized very late, when a lot of damage has already been done. Termite damage weakens wooden structures, and repairs can be a costly affair. In India the most commonly encountered pest termites are subterranean termites.

Subterranean Termite

  • Swarmers : Generally shortly before and after the annual rains, winged reproductive termites emerge and make a short mating flight. Swarming termites are usually attracted to bright light and can thus be found near windows. After mating they shed their wings, which are another tell-tale sign of termite presence.
  • Shelter Tubes : Termites are very sensitive to changes in humidity. That is why they build mud tubes to protect themselves from sunlight, predators and to maintain convenient humidity levels. These tubes are a good sign of an ongoing termite infestation.
  • Damage: As termite workers consume wood, they create honey combed galleries which run parallel to the grain of the wood. There is often more damage than at first thought due to their secretive lifestyle and consumption of wood from the inside.

People often confuse termites with winged ants, especially when they swarm. Key differences include:

  • The bodies of ants have a narrow constriction or waist, termites do not.
  • Termite wings are of equal length, ants have a long pair of wings and a short pair of wings.
  • All ants have elbowed antennae and termites have straight antennae.

Anti-Termite Treatment

Understandably, people are very concerned when they discover they have a termite problem. Fortunately, termite control technology has made tremendous strides in recent years. By calling, you can be assured that your home will be serviced using the most modern materials and strategies available, and by a trained, experienced Termite Control Technician.
Termites are an extremely persistent and challenging pest. Homeowners should not attempt to resolve a termite problem on their own.